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Eats & Beats: Talia's Challahs

Part of Denver’s red-hot foodie scene is the serious baking community, including Talia’s Challahs. A little more than a year old, the bake shop that specializes in the traditional braided Jewish loaf distributes large and small breads to coffee shops around Denver, and they accept custom orders at their commercial kitchen near 13th and Zuni Streets in Denver. Talia Rudee and Daniel Koah visited The Morning Set with tales of early morning baking, family traditions, and other small business adventures.

The following is an excerpt from the audio above:

Talia Rudee: We have about six or seven coffee shops that we are delivering are what we think are unique Challahs. So they're these mini Challahs that you actually have here in front of you stuffed with different things. Nutella, a savory one with jalapeno cheddar, an apple cinnamon, and (we're) always trying to add some new flavors. And so those ones are at the coffee shops. And then we also are at another little local market called Sun Market with our larger loaves and trying to expand those big loaves because there's a big market for those in Denver too, and makes great french toast.

Abi Clark: I just wanted to know what makes the Challah, is it the way that the bread is knotted?

Daniel Koah: Yeah, so just in case the listeners don't know, and they might not, challah is a traditionally Jewish bread and it's a braided bread. We do a three strand. You could do a six strand, I guess you could do 12 if you're really, really ambitious

Steve Chavis: …or math nerds

Abi Clark: or expert braiders

DK: These mini Challahs that you're eating now, they're our take on turning that challah bread into an easy-to-eat and hopefully delicious pastry.

TR: Exactly. And we do some cookies and we really like to try and customize too for whatever our clients want. So Hudson Hill really loves the scones, so we kept making them for them. And Coffee Sarap has vanilla scones there too. And yeah, so we're trying to be that coffee shop baked goods provider and make challah a mainstream item more than just that bread on the celebration table.

For a full list of baked goods and the community spaces that they're offered, you can visit their website at Talia's Challahs.

Catch Eats & Beats every Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. MT on KUVO. Tune in to KUVO JAZZ 89.3 FM in Denver and listen to The Morning Set, weekdays from 7 – 10 a.m. MT. You can also stream online here at or listen on the KUVO App.

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