Nocturne: Adam Bodine Plays Horace Silver
Nocturne welcomes back to the stage the entertaining and musically eclectic Adam Bodine on Wednesday, November 22 at 6:30 and 8:45 pm.
Adam is a renowned Colorado pianist who will be leading a collection of Denver’s finest jazz artists in exploring the works of the great hardbop pianist Horace Silver. Adam’s repertoire is constantly shapeshifting and playfully intermingles a broad range of styles, sounds, feels and moods.
The lineup: Derek Banach – trumpet, Heath Walton – saxophone, Seth Lewis – bass, Alejandro Castaño – drums
Undeniable is Bodine’s natural musicality and joy of playing, which paired with his lovely sense of humor, always shines on stage and treats audiences to memorable experiences. In addition to the upcoming live performances, also definitely worth exploring are Adam Bodine’s two recent epic studio albums “Scenes of Changery” and “Nurtured by Nature.”
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