This week the Vinyl Vault features the world beat sound of Bernie Krause’s “Citadels of Mystery.” Recorded in 1975 and released in 1979, it includes the “Machu Picchu Suite” as well as music inspired by Stonehenge. Krause was part of the ground breaking duo of Beaver & Krause which introduced the synthesizer to modern music. After Paul Beaver’s death in 1975, Krause became interested in “bioacoustics” and has since recorded thousands of hours in the natural environment. If that wasn’t enough diversity, Krause’s early musical involvement including replacing Pete Seeger in The Weavers and work, for a time, as a producer for Motown. Additional musicians on “Citadels of Mystery” include Andy Narell on keyboards and Mel Martin on woodwinds. The Vinyl Vault with host Geoff Anderson on “The Night Beat,” Tuesday, August 9 at 8:30pm on KUVO 89.3/


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