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Union Colony Civic Center

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701 10th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
(970) 356-5000 https://ucstars.com/

Kingfish Ingram

March 4, 2023 @ 7:30 pm
Union Colony Civic Center 701 10th Ave
Greeley, CO 80631
+ Google Map

With eye-popping guitar playing and reach-out-and-grab-you-by-the-collar vocals, Ingram performs every song with unmatched passion and precision. After the release of his Grammy-nominated debut album “Kingfish,” vocalist and songwriter Christone “Kingfish” Ingram quickly became the defining blues voice of his generation. The 24-year-old already headlined two national tours and performed with artists like Vampire Weekend, Jason Isbell, and Buddy Guy. TICKETS

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