A July Night by John Todhunter

The dreamy, long, delicious afternoon
That filled the flowers with honey, and made well
With earliest nectar many a secret cell
Of pulping peaches, with a murmurous tune
Lulled all the woods and leas; but now, how soon
The winds have woke to break the sultry spell.
The drowsy flocks that low in the west did dwell,
Like oreads chased fleet madly by the moon!
So, Cleopatra-like has rich July,
A queen of many moods, outdreamed the day
To hold by night wild revel. Odors warm
Come panted with each gust, as royally,
Magnificent alike in calm or storm,
With some voluptuous anger she would play.

Join the Nightside with Andy O’ at 9 p.m. on Sunday, July 14 for a (hot) July night of Summer Magic on KUVO JAZZ the Oasis in the City.

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Simon, Peter, 1947- (photographer)
Duke Ellington eating a popsicle at Jackie Robinson’s jazz concert, June 30, 1968

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