The art form of creative music called jazz is currently enjoying a renaissance of young talented musicians on a wide variety of instruments, naturally piano is one of those music makers leading the pack. Of the amazing crop of gifted pianists around the world, surely Christian Sands is on the top portion of that list. Not yet 30 years of age, Christian has accomplished many of his goals and has been honored with many accolades for his playing and compositional skills by his peers and mentors. Originally from New Haven, CT, the late Dr. Billy Taylor recognized Sands’ talent while still in high school when he saw him performing at the Jazz in July summer workshop at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dr. Taylor invited Christian to be his student and he was quick to absorb all the knowledge Billy shared with him about playing and about pianists past and present. Sands attended the Manhattan School of Music in NY and became part of Bobby Sanabria’s Afro-Cuban Jazz Orchestra recording on the GRAMMY® nominated album, “Kenya Revisited Live”.  Sands was a finalist in the 2012 American Pianists Association Jazz Fellowship Awards. Since 2009, Christian has recorded and toured internationally with his namesake, bassist Christian McBride’s Inside Straight ensemble.

For his Mack Avenue Records debut as a leader, Reach, Christian Sands requested his band mate and label roster colleague Christian McBride to co-produce the album as he knew McBride would bring out the best in him and the recording is the proof his instincts were correct. Leading off with a tribute to Chick Corea, Armando’s Song he sets the pace for an exquisite music sojourn that will supply your ears with the many splendored styles Sands possesses. One track, Bill Withers’ Use Me features Mr. McBride delivering a beautiful arco bass solo. Another singular track of Reach is the Latin tinged Oyéme (listen) with guest percussionist, yet another musician named Christian, señor Rivera. The other entries in this album are either trio or quartet formats preventing, repetition of sound and flow. Sands prides himself on dressing with an elegant flair and endorses a line of men’s apparel at his home page. This young man has a bright future and his mantra is: “Always peace, always love, forever music”. After you listen to this album, I am confident that you will often reach for it from your music library for repeated listening.

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