This week’s menu on New Music Monday includes fathers and sons, a musician family and some Front Range players…saxophonists Don Aliquo Sr. and Jr. headline the new CD, Fathers and Sons featuring 5 other Pittsburgh, PA based fathers and sons musicians. From Philadelphia, PA we’ll debut the new one by the splendid organ player Joey De Francesco-Project Freedom. from Greeley is the UNC faculty member and bassist, Erik Applegate whose new one Two’s Company fulfills his goal or recording a series of duos with pianists, guitarists, trombonists and saxophonists. From Tampa, FL is the percussionist and radio host, Frankie Piñeiro’s tribute to Cal Tjader and the late Kenny Drew Jr, ¡Via Cal!-Tjaderaid, a live concert from 2013.

We’ll also feature new releases  by several other artists and groups beginning at Noon as we do every Monday on the New Music Monday edition of Lunchtime at the Oasis with yours truly, Arturo Gómez.

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