KUVO presents a tribute to legendary producer J Dilla by the band ManyColors, captured in KUVO’s Bonfils-Stanton Performance Studio. The re-mixed session from earlier this summer is available for viewing on KUVO’s YouTube and Twitch channels.

Manycolors uses a fresh, direct-to-tape method to create spacious, luscious soundscapes that make them stand out as new acts in the lofi, jazz-hop space. With a heavy influence spurring from J. Dilla, guitarist Brant Williams aims to capture all the musicians as if they were sampled while cultivating an innovative harmonic approach. Williams alongside Eric Luba (Fender Rhodes), Kirwan Brown (bass), and Braxton Kahn (drums) veer into chordal colors that are traditionally explored in jazz but are now sonically hailed in multiple brands of “crossover” genres garnering attention from music lovers across the board. Whether you’re looking to set the tone of the day with positive vibes to accompany your morning coffee or wind down with an evening nocturne, Manycolors’ 2024 debut on Color Red Records is equal parts tranquil with its subtle textures and pensive with its heavy backbeats and head nod-inducing grooves.

It’s a tribute to J Dilla by Manycolors, on KUVO’s YouTube and Twitch channels!

Performances on KUVO Jazz are supported by Bonfils Stanton Foundation, Drum City Guitarland, Grace Design Pro Audio, and the Carlos Lando Musician & Event Fund donors and KUVO’s Studio Club members.

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