Since becoming a professional musician in the 1980s, Detroit’s Kenny Garret has always been proud to play music that not only pleases listeners, it also motivates his audience to groove, move and dance! Kenny recently stated: “I look out and see people waiting for the songs that they can party to and express themselves” Garrett further explains that his latest release-Do Your Dance! recorded on his home town label, Mack Avenue was inspired by audiences moving to rise from their seats and ‘lift a foot!’ Some are reluctant to participate because they think that others are better than they are. I tell them, do your dance. That means even if you have to ‘stay pocket,’ do the Funky Four Corners or the Nae-Nae, just don’t worry about what the other person is doing. Let it all hang out and do your dance!

Kenny Garrett’s is a five time GRAMMY® nominee and a one time winner, Do Your Dance! is an ideal CD to begin Summer with as it’ll serve as a great sound track for the hot months’ activities. As is his custom Garrett offers up a variety of sounds on his latest offering, bop, funk, bossa, calypso, waltz and 2 hip hop influenced tracks. Kenny is accompanied by Vernell Brown Jr-piano, Corcoran Holt-bass and McClenty Hunter on drums throughout the 9 tracks. Four songs include percussionist Rudy Bird while the 2 hip hop jazz tracks feature Donald Brown Jr aka “Mista Enz” as the guest rapper. For Kenny Garrett, playing his music to audiences around the world is all about taking listeners on a ride, a musical journey. Hopefully this album will also get you to do your dance!

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