Kavita Shah, vocalist, pianist/scholar, educator/multi-linguist, and activist, is back on tour celebrating her latest album, Cape Verdean Blues, available on Folkalist Records, a label she founded to the work of female artists from the Global South by the way. She will visit the Cape Verde Islands to appear at the Mindel Summer Jazz Fest in August, and Boulder, Colorado is on her U.S. tour. Kavita Shah will perform at The Dairy Arts Center on October 2, 2024. Details at Kavita Shah Music.
(SOURCE: Kavita Shah Music)

If it’s not too early in the morning for some music theory, down deep in the root structure of modal jazz like on Miles Davis’ “Kind of Blue” is a musical concept known as the “Lydian Chromatic Concept,” developed by the famed pianist-composer-educator George Russell. His 1953 work was considered an early major articulation of tonal organization.

This Friday, the Jazz Education Network is hosting a Zoom and Facebook webinar on Russell’s work and the influence it had on Black student activism at the New England Conservatory of Music, where he taught in the jazz studies department for many years. Yes, music IS activism. Register HERE. (SOURCE: Join JEN)

The threat of artificial intelligence to the creative process has been checked by Tennessee’s new law that protects musicians from AI impersonation. It’s called the ELVIS Act, which stands for Ensuring Likeness Voice and Image Security. The law bans the unauthorized use of performers’ voices.

A new Nashville tech startup called ViNIL is providing a new resource for artists – a digital licensing and tracking service. It’s a way for artists to control and get compensated for how their voices are used, whether in recorded or AI-generated form. The platform will also allow companies to verify that the sound it’s licensing is legit. (SOURCE: WPLN.ORG/Tech/AI Era)

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