Welton Street in Denver’s Cultural and Historic District known as Five Points was alive with the sounds of jazz last Saturday. The 21st annual Five Points Jazz Festival drew tens of thousands of music fans to the neighborhood known as the “Harlem of the West.” 30 bands at 10 outdoor and indoor venues presented the full spectrum of jazz.

A little June lightning delayed the opening parade by a few minutes, but by 12:30, the Otone Brass Band stepped off with a brassy, funky medley that had people dancing all the way from the Main Stage at 29th to the Denver Arts and Venues Stage at Welton and 25th Street. Serving as drum major was KUVO’s music director Arturo Gómez in his trademark Bootsy star sunglasses and matching royal blue pork pie hat. Afternoon host Paul Donovan and volunteer Jim White carried the parade banner. The Grand Marshals waving from the back of a convertible were dance legend Cleo Parker Robinson and KUVO’s Carlos Lando.

KUVO’s The Morning Set – Abi Clark was on the street recording music and comments from festival goers.


The KUVO community booth at the Five Points Plaza was staffed by volunteers, and the day-long broadcast was anchored from in front of the George Morrison Jazz Heritage Stage, keeping the entire listening audience up-to-date on the day’s festivities.

A huge thanks to all the volunteers, staff, KUVO members, and listeners who showed up to make the Five Points Jazz Festival a smashing success!

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Pictures by William Peterson/RMPM: KUVO staff Arturo Gómez; homepage: Paul Donovan and volunteer Jim White; Abi Clark by Chistina Dayyani/RMPM; Broadcast booth by Geoff Anderson:  Shane German, Ayana Contreras, Tina Cartagena, Andy O’, Danny Giltenan, Joey & Grayson Kloss; KUVO Community Booth by Arturo Gómez.

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