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The Music of Queen with your Colorado Symphony

March 4, 2022 @ 7:30 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every week that begins at 7:30 pm on Saturday, repeating until March 5, 2022

Boettcher Concert Hall at Denver Performing Arts Complex 1000 14th St, Denver
Denver, CO 80202 United States
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In the decade of super groups — and four decades beyond — Queen reigns supreme. Celebrate the immortal music of Queen as Brody Dolyniuk and his rock band join your Colorado Symphony for an unforgettable evening this March. The Music of Queen soars with songs from the albums A Night at the Opera, Sheer Heart Attack, Classic Queen, Jazz, News of the World, A Kind of Magic, The Works, and many more — this concert will rock you! Featured Artists:…

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