The Good Fats Meters Project
Curated by bassist Seth Lewis, this funky night of music features a collection of Denver's finest jazz musicians performing the deeply groovy works of New Orleans' iconic funk band, The Meters. This project explores and focuses on material from the Meters' early releases, with deep instrumental funk grooves that are reinterpreted faithfully by the band but provide ample room for the ensemble to stretch out musically. Dave Devine - Guitar, Tom Amend - organ, Seth Lewis - bass, Braxton Kahn - drums The Meters were - and will…
The Good Fats Meters Project
Curated by bassist Seth Lewis, this funky night of music features a collection of Denver's finest jazz musicians performing the deeply groovy works of New Orleans' iconic funk band, The Meters. This project explores and focuses on material from the Meters' early releases, with deep instrumental funk grooves that are reinterpreted faithfully by the band but provide ample room for the ensemble to stretch out musically. Dave Devine - Guitar, Tom Amend - organ, Seth Lewis - bass, Braxton Kahn - drums The Meters were - and will…
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