The Briana Harris Quintet
Briana Harris returns to the Nocturne stage with a dynamic lineup of some of Colorado's finest improvisational musicians, including Jordan Skomal (trumpet), Spencer Zweifel (piano), Domi Edson (bass), and Brian Claxton (drums). These two sets will feature Bri's signature chamber jazz style and a highly curated collection of straightforward works and arranged standards. Briana Harris is a musician, artist manager, and entrepreneur focusing on empowering creatives to do their best work. A versatile creator and collaborator, Bri has credits as a…
The Briana Harris Quintet
Briana Harris returns to the Nocturne stage with a dynamic lineup of some of Colorado's finest improvisational musicians, including Jordan Skomal (trumpet), Spencer Zweifel (piano), Domi Edson (bass), and Brian Claxton (drums). These two sets will feature Bri's signature chamber jazz style and a highly curated collection of straightforward works and arranged standards. Briana Harris is a musician, artist manager, and entrepreneur focusing on empowering creatives to do their best work. A versatile creator and collaborator, Bri has credits as a…
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