A vintage themed weekend festival featuring Live Music, Swing Dance Classes, Contests, Performances, and tons of social dancing!
Live music with Naomi & Her Handsome Devils
Classes with internationally renowned instructors: Olga Marina, Andreas Olsson, Stephen Sayer, Chardrae Roettig, Blake Thiessen, Grace Babbes, Julie Roman, and Jacob Spinney!
FREE Fast Feet Contest! Open performance team!
Balboa & Collegiate Shag Competition
Friday, November 22:
6:30p Registration Opens
7-9p Speakeasy Social
7-8:30p Contest Registration
8-9p Intro to Balboa Lesson w/Heather & Todd
9p-Midnight Social Dance to Live Music with Naomi & Her Handsome Devils!
——10:10 Instructor Demos to Band
——10:40 Diamond Dolls Performance
Midnight-2a(ish) DJd Late Night Dance
——12:30 Invitational Crossover Mix & Match
Saturday, November 23:
11a-4:30p Classes
3:15-4:45p Contest Registration
5:00-6:00p Contest Prelims
8-9p Intro to Collegiate Shag Lesson w/Amy & Ian
9p-Midnight Social Dance to Live Music with Naomi & Her Handsome Devils!
——9:40 CMDance Team Performs
——10:00 Balboa Strictly Finals
——11:00 Shag Strictly Finals
Midnight-3a(ish) DJd Late Night Dance
——12:30 Fast Feet Contest
Sunday, November 24:
11a-4:30p Classes
7-10p DJd Twilight Dance
——7:30 Balboa Mix & Match Finals
——8:15 Shag Mix & Match Finals
——9:00 LollyShaggers Performance
10p Awards
Social Dancing until 11
11p-1a Farewell Social @ the Mountain Pass Bar
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