Book Review: Left of Boom
Sometimes a singular event can change the trajectory of one’s life, so it was with Douglas Laux who was a college freshman when the twin towers fell in New York. After graduating college, Laux joined the CIA with one central goal: getting to Afghanistan and becoming involved in covert action. Douglas Laux’s and Ralph Pezzullo’s latest book “Left of Boom: How a Young CIA Case Officer Penetrated the Taliban and Al-Qaeda” describes Laux’s painstakingly hard work to identify clandestine operations overseas.
Although the book is an interesting and cleverly constructed tale, it is not without significant problems. A large portion of the text is redacted and entire sections of the book are simply blacked out. One other shortcoming centers around the constant discussions of the author’s girlfriends and his multiple romances, some of these appear a bit sophomoric. However, there is no question that Laux’s CIA assignment and his diligence and hardwork resulted in unprecedented success, including the removal of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad from power.
Listen below for the full review.
Robert Greer, M.D. reviews Douglas Laux’s and Ralph Pezzullo’s book “Left of Boom”
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