BLACK WOMEN IN MEDICINE honors black female doctors around the country who work diligently in all facets of medicine. Through first-hand accounts from a cross-selection of black female pioneers in medicine and healthcare-including Dr. Claudia Thomas, the first black woman orthopedic surgeon and Dr. Jocelyn Elders, the first black woman to hold the position of United States Surgeon General-the program details the challenges these women have experienced and continue to face today in their drive to practice medicine. The documentary brings the inspiring stories of these trailblazing women within reach of those who most need to hear them, especially the next generation of medical professionals. By combining historical context with a look at the current generation coming up through the ranks, BLACK WOMEN IN MEDICINE chronicles stories of excellence and perseverance that engage, encourage and motivate, planting seeds of aspiration in the minds of future doctors. more

Airing on RMPBS:

Thu, Sep 29

10:00 PM KRMA, ch.6

10:00 PM KRMA HDTV, ch.658

Fri, Sep 30

3:00 AM KRMA, ch.6

3:00 AM KRMA HDTV, ch.658



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