The Nightside Before Christmas invitation from Andy O’…

Dear Studio Club Members,

You are cordially invited to attend a taping of “The Nightside Before Christmas” on Monday December 10 at 7 pm in the Phyllis A. Greer Performance Studio at KUVO. With musicians and poets performing music and spoken word of the season. The program “The Nightside Before Christmas” will air on Sunday, December 23 at 8 pm, on The Nightside with Andy O’. We hope you attend be you naughty or nice.


7 pm Annie Booth “solo” performing “Silent Night” and “O Christmas Tree”

7:40 pm Thomas Jennings Quartet with Lynn Baker – Thomas Jennings – guitar, Jack Dunlevie – piano, Hunter Roberts – bass, Lynn Baker – saxophone, Kevin Matthews – drums will perform “Our Little Town” (a Heath Brothers version of “Little Town Bethlehem”) ad “We Free Kings” by Rahsaan Roland Kirk.

8:15 pm Andy O’s band, “The Coyote Poets of the Universe” will play their new holiday tune “The 12 Bars of Christmas”

Poets and KUVO hosts reading Christmas poetry and prose with Tenia Nelson playing solor piano in the backround. A Nightside of Christmas fun…wear your Christmas sweaters! Ugly or not, all Christmas sweaters are beautiful.

Thanks, I hope I see you there!

Your elvish radio pal,

Andy O’


Studio Club Members: Please contact Arvida to reserve seats for you and a guest.

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