Your perception of “Ragtime” will be expanded! Join us for a performance interview with the self-taught genius of the keys, Reginald R. Robinson on Tuesday, April 9 at 12:15 during Jazz with Arturo Gómez in the Phyllis A. Greer Performance Studio.

Before the terms Classical and Jazz were used to describe music, composers Jim Europe, Scott Joplin, and other African American musicians created a unique form so special that it needed its own word to describe it – “Ragtime.” Reginald will share what this original form of music represents compared to the worlds of Classical and Jazz. Reginald continues to bring life to old favorites, unearthing little known compositions and stunning original music.

Studio Club Members: Please contact Arvida to reserve seats for you and a guest. Not in the Studio Club? Learn how to join here.

Thanks to our Studio Sponsors: Classic Pianos, Denver Piano Tuning, Drum City Guitarland, Flesher-Hinton Music Company, The Koelbel Family Foundation, Listen Up, and Original Pasquini’s Pizzeria

Reginald performs at Dazzle!

MAS Eclectic Concerts and Dazzle are pleased to bring Reginald from his home in Chicago to Denver for this rare solo recital.

Reginald R. Robinson – Original Compositions & Ragtime Piano

Tuesday, April 9 at 7:00 pm

Tickets here!

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