Dominique Morisseau knows the city of Detroit, its people, and their history of being exploited. The MacArthur Fellows’ “genius grant” recipient has written a trilogy of plays covering key moments in the city’s demise. Last year, Curious Theatre company produced the first part of the triptych, Detroit ‘67. Skeleton Crew is the third in the series.

The decline of the U.S. auto industry, in particular, and the nation’s manufacturing sector, in general, was precipitated by a number of forces including the flight of global capital to cheaper sources of labor and the quality disparity between U.S. products and the Japanese and German vehicle lines, as well as Chinese across-the-board output. The autoworkers union, the establishment for which many died in the ’30’s, was being bled dry by management, which used closures as a bargaining chip. (Worse yet, the union has become a tool of management.)

Full review at Colorado Drama



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