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Purpose Brewing

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4025 S Mason St
Fort Collins, CO 80525 United States
970-377-4107 https://purposebrewing.com/

Felonius Smith Trio

December 7 @ 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Purpose Brewing 4025 S Mason St
Fort Collins, CO 80525 United States
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A Gumbo and Grits Party feat. Jimbeaux's Cajun Cuisine and music by Felonius Smith Trio. Historic delta blues, country blues, and folk blues - The Felonius Smith Trio performs prewar blues music at its most authentic. With slide-resonator guitar, double bass, sousaphone, and harmonica, the trio takes us back to a time when original bluesmen were pioneering a new style of music. The group has been performing at festivals and nightspots along the Front Range for 18 years.

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